Agriculture (Zeopotass)
The discovery and identification of the uses of zeolite in agriculture, whose traditional form of use has been common for centuries in countries such as Japan and Italy, has been rapidly noticed scientifically and modernly during the past decades.
So that it has come to the aid of agriculture to help solve almost all major problems. The primary goal is to transfer scientific findings and experiences and a modern perspective in geology and geochemistry to farmers and experts in this industry, to provide new scientific and practical applications to increase the quality and quantity of agricultural products through the use of natural and mineral materials that Iran is rich in. They are The production process of zeolite products in this company includes the selection and separation of suitable, high-quality and effective zeolite stones. Also, processing and preparing them for more useful performance according to the basic needs of farmers. Using zeolite mineral materials as a more effective, cheaper and completely safe alternative to solve the constant concerns of agricultural development is one of the other goals of Afrazand Company. Natural zeolites have a very high ability to help solve many vital needs, including the constant need for chemical fertilizers, suitable water, maintaining the health of agricultural products from corruption and pests, resistance to harsh climatic conditions, including drought and freezing stress, reaching When the product reaches the consumer market, it has a longer shelf life, better shape, taste, and production. Production of completely organic products with lower cost and more efficiency than non-organic production conditions is one of the other important goals of Afrazand Company, which leads to better and more preservation of society’s health and environmental health protection. Optimum use of water resources, which may be considered the most important concern of farmers but also of the whole country, is one of the special goals of Afrazand Company.
This company, like researchers all over the world, believe that the proper use of mineral zeolites can overcome this problem. become huge The research and development unit of this company (R&D), by examining and studying global and domestic scientific and operational experiences, and in cooperation with scientific and academic centers, especially conducting repeated pilot tests throughout the country and sometimes in other countries, so far, new achievements and reports He has published his research in most scientific reports. This unit has also always tried to provide these results to users by setting up simple operational instructions and face-to-face training. Discovering and identifying the uses of zeolite in agriculture, which has been used traditionally for centuries in countries such as Japan and Italy. It has been scientifically and modernly noticed rapidly in the past decades. So that it has come to the aid of agriculture to help solve almost all major problems. The primary goal is to transfer scientific findings and experiences and a modern perspective in geology and geochemistry to farmers and experts in this industry, to provide new scientific and practical applications to increase the quality and quantity of agricultural products through the use of natural and mineral materials that Iran is rich in. They are The production process of zeolite products in this company includes the selection and separation of suitable, high-quality and effective zeolite stones. Also, processing and preparing them for more useful performance according to the basic needs of farmers. Using zeolite mineral materials as a more effective, cheaper and completely safe alternative to solve the constant concerns of agricultural development is one of the other goals of Afrazand Company. Natural zeolites have a very high ability to help solve many vital needs, including the constant need for chemical fertilizers, suitable water, maintaining the health of agricultural products from corruption and pests, resistance to harsh climatic conditions, including drought and freezing stress, reaching When the product reaches the consumer market, it has a longer shelf life, better shape, taste, and production.
Production of completely organic products with lower cost and more efficiency than non-organic production conditions is one of the other important goals of Afrazand Company, which leads to better and more preservation of society’s health and environmental health protection. Optimum use of water resources, which may be considered the most important concern of farmers but also of the whole country, is one of the special goals of Afrazand Company. This company, like researchers all over the world, believe that the proper use of mineral zeolites can overcome this problem. become huge The research and development unit of this company (R&D), by examining and studying global and domestic scientific and operational experiences, and in cooperation with scientific and academic centers, especially conducting repeated pilot tests throughout the country and sometimes in other countries, so far, new achievements and reports He has published his research in most scientific reports. This unit has also always tried to provide these results to users by setting simple implementation instructions and face-to-face training.
Effects of using natural zeolites (clinoptilolite type) on plant growth:
Specialists in the research and development unit of this company, knowing the different needs of plants in different stages of growth, have produced a special and unique combination of natural zeolites of the clinoptilolite type called Zeoptas, the use of which can lead to valuable achievements in plant growth. lead to
The benefits and effects of clinoptilolite (zeoptas) on crops and plant growth:
Increasing production and quality of agricultural products.
Increasing the amount, absorption and transfer of vitamin C in fruits and plants.
Improving the quality of the shell of products as a result, increasing their storage capacity.
Increase in weight and number of plant products.
Reducing the number of immatures and reducing the shedding of blossoms.
Increasing freshness, vitality and volume of agricultural products.
Carrying herbicides and pesticides
Preventing spoilage and spoilage of products in the warehouse for a long time after the harvest season.
Increasing the amount of beneficial minerals needed by the body in products
Positive and very noticeable effect on the color and taste of the products
Preventing plant root burn and improving root and plant growth.
Plant use of all soil elements due to the high ion exchange properties of zeolite.
Increasing the height of foliage, the number of claws and branches of plants and trees.
Increasing plant resistance against corruption and diseases.
Increasing plant absorption coefficient.
Plant growth and strengthening agent

Effects of zeoptas in soil improvement
The nutritional poverty of the soil due to its excessive use in a short period of time creates an urgent and constant need for natural and chemical fertilizers. The use of fertilizers causes the problems of taking care of their durability and not washing or evaporating them, and as a result, surface and underground water pollution. is looking for The changing and inappropriate texture of the cultivated soil, but basically the erosion and lack of soil is always one of the concerns of agriculture. As a result of irrigation with polluted water and the penetration of sewage into them, they are impregnated with heavy metals. Using zeolite mixed with soils, both in light and heavy soils, improves and increases their performance. The addition of clinotillolite zeolite to sandy and light soils reduces excessive water penetration and its vertical distribution. Zeolite keeps the materials necessary for plant growth like water in its cavities, and with the ability of cation exchange and surface absorption, it maintains humic compounds and plays the role of a suitable soil substrate as a place for soil chemical reactions. Zeolite prevents the leaching of nitrogen and organic compounds and gives the plant the opportunity to exploit the soil. In these cases, zeolites with smaller grains (powders smaller than one millimeter) are used for better coverage for all soil volumes. By adding more and more zeolite to these soils, the yield efficiency of the soil also increases. In heavy soils, adding less amount of zeolite compared to sandy and light soils with coarser grain size (usually 1-3 mm) makes the soil more permeable and lighter. It provides air to the lower layers. By having alkaline and alkaline earth cations, zeolite, while increasing the ion exchange power of the soil, prevents excessive humic and soil acidity. Unlike other soil conditioners (such as lime and perlite), zeolite does not decompose in the soil. Rather, it remains in the soil in an undissolved form and improves its nutrients, therefore, due to the storage of those substances in the root section, it significantly reduces the soil’s need for water and other fertilizers.
Advantages of using in soil
Increasing the ratio of resistant soil grains in water.
Preventing soil nitrogen washing due to irrigation and rain.
Preventing wear and wastage of soil due to its high ability to absorb water and humidity.
Absorption of moisture in the air and soil and its gradual release to the soil.
Improving the optimal ventilation of the soil and supply of consumed oxygen.
Improving the physical and chemical quality of the soil and improving the conditions of the ecological system.
Very desirable strengthening of agricultural soils under the cultivation of tuberous plants such as potatoes, onions and beets.
Preventing the impoverishment of soil from primary materials due to high ion exchange properties and its reformation
Regulating soil pH and balancing it to the desired level.
Regulating soil potassium and as a result improving plant quality and fruit quality and taste.
Increasing biological and microorganism activities.
Reducing soil salinity
Improving and controlling soil moisture as a result of the positive effect on soil microflora.
Increasing the nitrogen balance, especially in nitrogen soils (20-30 percent)
Reducing the effect of toxic elements in the soil by absorbing arsenic, cadmium, zinc, copper and lead, etc.
Long-term preservation of the effect of chemical and natural fertilizers and reducing the amount of nutrients in the soil
Shaper of agricultural soils and prevention of clod formation
Prevent soil and plant freezing
Effect on fertilizer
The use of the attribute of smart fertilizer for zeolite comes from the fact that this fertilizer is able to identify when a plant needs what kind of nutrients and release that material for plant use at a certain time. This characteristic is due to the difference in osmotic pressure and the characteristic of ion exchange and creating a balance between zeolite and the external environment. Combining amounts of zeolite with excrement and fresh feces of livestock and poultry, which contain a lot of nitrogenous compounds, as well as other micronutrients, chemical, biochemical and bacterial compounds, can accelerate the composting and rotting of these materials. By absorbing and maintaining moisture and using it in the production of these materials, zeolites speed up the reactions of turning these wastes into fertilizers with their respective catalytic properties, and at the same time prevent the removal and wastage of their useful elements such as nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus compounds. , carbon, etc. are prevented in the form of gas. At the same time, the resulting fertilizer will be free of parasites and weed seeds. In many cases, using this method is a very cheap and high-efficiency strategy for farming and producing completely organic products. The use of zeolites can reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizers by 90%. Zeolites are resistant to changes in the pH of the water or soil environment and therefore can control soil acidity. Zeolites themselves are considered an important source of useful elements such as potassium ions and have the ability to decompose and absorb some potassium and phosphorous minerals in the soil that cannot be absorbed in the natural state, thus making the soil fertile. They turn Also, zeolite stabilizes and intensifies the action of liming (stabilized liming). Zeolites can reduce soil and water salinity with ion absorption and cation exchange properties. Ammonia and potash chemical fertilizers increase after fertilization in dry conditions, and after waterlogging, they are immediately washed away and most of them are out of reach of the plant, and this reduces the fertilization efficiency by up to 90%. Zeolite, with its strong cationic absorption properties, absorbs and stores these elements in both gas and solution forms, and provides them to the roots at the right time. Also, high potassium clinoptilolite zeolites are a very good source of potassium supply. The properties of surface absorption, cation exchange and catalytic properties of zeolite cause the decomposition of phosphorus-containing rocks (apatite). This makes it possible to use apatite mineral as a source of phosphorus in the soil.
Advantages of using in fertilizer
Shortening the fermentation time of animal manure.
Pasteurization of organic fertilizers, compost and manure as well as removing toxic and fungal elements
Purification and purification of animal manure from microbial, fungal and… especially aflatoxin.
Eliminating parasites and weed eggs in natural fertilizers
Eliminating the unpleasant smell of fresh natural fertilizers
Rapid absorption of urea from natural fertilizers and its conversion into absorbable nitrogen
Creating the ability to dissolve natural minerals containing phosphorus (apatite)
Potassium element supplier
Purifier and composting agent of sludge and sewage for use as fertilizer by removing heavy metals and preventing wastage of nitrogen compounds from them.
Water, inadequate quality and lack of it is the biggest crisis facing agriculture in the world and especially in Iran. Indiscriminate and unmanaged water consumption in Iran’s traditional agriculture, which is usually carried out by flooding, consumes about 90-92% of the country’s water resources. The consequences of lack of water are affecting the climate of the country every day and it is leading to dehydration and finally abandonment of fields and unemployment of farmers. Zeolites can absorb water up to 60% of their weight and even more in their microporous space and release it slowly during drought stress. Therefore, these materials establish a balance between air and soil as a source of accessible water. This porosity can also act as a reservoir for many other factors such as nitrogen. The application of zeoptas can easily reduce the effects of drought stress on the plant and increase the time of irrigation and with this feature, reduce the amount of water consumption by 70%.
Advantages of using in irrigation
Great savings in water consumption and water storage in areas with little rain
Reducing water salinity
Absorption of toxic metals in water
Complete purification and sanitization of polluted urban waste water and use in irrigation of fields and gardens.
Agricultural poisons
Agricultural pesticides – due to the fact that more than 40% of agricultural products are destroyed by harmful factors, including pests, diseases, and weeds, the use of chemical pesticides, including pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides, has been in use for decades. It has become quite common. The favorable effect of agricultural pesticides in controlling harmful factors requires their proper stability after application, high efficiency and effectiveness, as well as compatibility with the environment. This highlights the necessity of providing new and practical methods in the production of agricultural pesticides. Natural zeolites can be used as effective carriers for a variety of agricultural pesticides due to their high absorption capacity, regular molecular structure, and reasonable economic price. The results of research in different parts of the world show that in most cases, the combination of natural zeolites with agricultural pesticides increases the effect period of a wide range of pesticides, fungicides and herbicides and improves the effect of pesticides.
Ecological effects
The application of zeolite to agricultural soils causes no contamination of underground water due to chemical fertilizers. It also traps heavy toxic elements. In particular, it prevents the growth of toxins, especially aflatoxin, in the soil, stem and leaves, and the obtained product. The result of this operation not only produces healthier agricultural products and as a result the food health of the society, but also reduces the presence of these toxins in leaves, stems and seeds and their consumption by livestock, and also adding zeolite to animal feed produces healthier protein. which itself leads to healthy nutrition of the society. Next, the excreta of animals that consume zeolite and healthier fodder, on the other hand, have less toxins, they do not harden and clump quickly, parasite eggs do not grow in them, and they have less unpleasant odor. Fertilizers with zeolite have more moisture and their urea is not absorbed quickly in the soil. Zeolite quickly absorbs this urea and turns it into absorbable nitrogen. Therefore, by using zeolite, fresh and wet natural fertilizer can be used immediately. The addition of zeolite in animal breeding and fertilization reduces the production of greenhouse gases. In this way, zeolite also shows its role in the ecological cycle and health of the environment.
What is Zeoptas?
Features of zeolite (clinoptilolite), documentation and scientific articles of Zeoptas:
Experiments and academic research, conducted pilots and experiences gained at different levels and documenting information about the quantitative and qualitative results of the experiments have been compiled and published in dozens of books and research articles. A summary of the most important results obtained from these articles are as follows:
The use of zeoptas in saffron cultivation has increased the yield up to 94%.
Research on chicory, cumin, lemongrass and many other medicinal plants has shown that the use of potassium zeolite (Zeoptas) has led to early ripening and increased greening. Studies on aloe vera have shown the improvement of morphological characteristics, the increase of the active ingredient aloin and the increase of vitamin C levels in water stress conditions. Vetiver plant has increased pH, electrical conductivity, root and stem growth.
The use of Zeoptas in pistachio, citrus, walnut, grape, palm, apple, pomegranate, and black root varieties has increased the yield by 30-70% on average. At the same time, at least 30% reduction in irrigation was reported.
In corn, beet, bean, cotton and tomato planting farms using potassium clinoptilolite of this company, 35% more product, with better quality and better appearance than the control farms have been obtained. Also, even though the same chemical fertilizer was used in all experimental and control fields, the amount of nitrate in the products obtained in the zeolite fields was a quarter compared to the control group.
The proper use of zeoptas along with fresh animal manures in rice fields has caused a huge reduction in water consumption by about 70% and at the same time an 18% increase in yield. In these fields, without the need for spraying, many common pests, such as the rice stem-eating worm, were not observed. While the control fields were still affected by these pests in addition to the four spraying stages.
In potatoes, peanuts, and carrots, soil improvement with zeoptas increased the quality of root glands and increased the quantity of the product, and reduced pests without using chemical fertilizers and reduced water consumption.
A mixture of the company’s potassium zeolite with apatite stones that have insoluble phosphorus caused 30% of the phosphorus in them to decompose and dissolve in the soil.
Production process:
In the first part, it includes the selection of suitable zeolite minerals, crushing and granulation, and heat treatment and packaging, which are presented to the consumer with two general grades and ZEOPOTASS.
The second part includes the production of special products that are obtained from the combination of special materials with special zeolites, selected and separated in special chemical and thermal conditions.
Zeoptas, with the main composition of clinoptilolite zeolite with exchangeable cations mostly of potassium type along with other elements, is one of the unique and very valuable products of this company in agriculture, which has more than forty properties and magical effects. The most important features of zeoptas that led to the development of their use in agriculture can be summarized as follows: 1- Cation exchange (CEC) more than ten times compared to normal soil, which increases soil fertility 2- High porosity and stability In contrast to chemical and thermal changes and their destruction, which causes the stability of porosity and their permanent lifespan, and therefore, these materials act as a source of accessible water and many other materials such as nitrogen for the plant. 3- Buffering properties and the ability to regulate and balance the acidity and pH of the environment. 4- High specific surface due to having a porous space in nanometer dimensions. 5- Molecular and ionic sieve properties due to the presence of micropores in zeolites, which are used for selective absorption and removal of elements and materials. useful in the soil are very important. 6- The high amount of absorbable potassium in zeoptas has a permanent effect and durability without the need to extend its use. Zeoptas can also be used in all agricultural, garden, greenhouse and ornamental crops. Water Ministry of Jihad Agriculture